Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Severd Prince & The Take Down Of The U.C.C. Maji Banksters & NWO 13 Families .

I would like to open with a statement made by the Council on Foreign Relations journal 1974 p.558.

The new world order will be built .... an end run on national sovereignty , eroding it peace by peace will accomplish much more  than the old fashioned frontal assault .

Update 12 , 26 2015 !!!! The Charter shut down has begun world wide but and there were 3 people who put up the 3 mill to have me knocked off . The people a little to close to her home and they know and they will see this . When I was in France I tracked a lot of the thugs who wanted me and my fiance dead . They were fake Jews in the Synagog in the Bastille of Paris . This is a Rothschild Fake Jew Nazi Terrorist center to keep Paris on lock down . I also suspect the shooters of the of Paris were involved with that Siniagog . It is a front for Rothschild money Laundering also and has a underground entrance also ext . I was also told to go to Paris the Bastille if I wanted answers on who was involved in my Fiances murder . This was in 2011 in Paris when i was on the trail of the people who conspired to kill me and killed my love .

This is just one scenario in a world of possibilities . 

Question ???  how do you replace some one with the love one knowing ? Take a trip to say Bolder at a request of some so called friends . You land in a C.I.A. Airport made to look as a  Airport that is shaped in a Nazi Swastika . This is The real Bolder Airport . Say the Model is in La the that is run by the C.I.A. and known for running ops on people and wealthy women to dry up there Estate . Lets say she was going to go meet a love or friend and they offed her mother and replaced her with a ( classified ) and this was possibly all at the request of some one well connected and wanted a company the Mother owned but had a plane .The off the Mom and to cover the mental psychic shock we all feel when we loose some one they fake like she has a heart attack to cover up the pail skin of the ( classified ) and the female victim ( Model ) is ruptured is the feeling of lose put it is masked with a lie of deception and a trick of the heart  . Let the sister take the company and put her into a brothel to make her submissive and mind controlled  . Hook her up with a Bankster while he is pulling the strings from behind . I call this the puppet master that is the hidden hand . .

Recently I had a 3 million dollar hit put on me by a Bankster who was trying to go after one of my personal and very close friend I was planning on visiting . I posted a news article on my friends page who is a Model . It was a post about the cartel , banking and human trafficking . She was in Vienna at the time and in the article I exposed Fashion Tv Babylon as being a huge front for prostitution and female trafficking . Shortly after the post I was informed by ( classified ) a 3 million dollar hit was put on me . I knew something was up and went to the Fire department downtown . I asked them to please get in touch with the Fire department in Vienna and find out were ( Classified  ) and to make sure she is ok . Her fiance just put a 3 million dollar hit on me .  The Fire department take me really seriously based on all the secret things I have done for them and the city . Thank you so much Officers . They would get no credit if it were not for this article . 

                       Breaking News !!!!!!


The U.C.C. most coveted and most highly coveted secret code name is out . I am going to tell you what I have been investigating since 911 . My case of my stolen linage . First I am going to tell you what they call me in Darpa , Face Book , C.I.A. , N.S.A. , F.B.I. , I.R.S. , Mi5 , Mi6 , SAS , D.O.C. , Nasa , Tempest , Echelon and the U.C.C. . The code name they all call me and it is at the highest of the Magi created Illuminati / U.C.C. most coveted code names and operations because it has to do with the lineage and what is rightfully mine and the stolen funds of my family and my future family .

The Code Name / My encryted digital Code Name Is The Severed Prince .

I am a targeted individual and have been all my life due to my linage and the outright theft of land and property that was never the U.C.C.'s to ever lay claim to and they know this . This and so many other evil injustice put on me and the world by these thugs that claim they rule the world in secret . Most people have no clue the U.C.C. even exist or what it even does and they think they know how the system works and truly do not have a clue . Recently the U.C.C. and there thugs manipulated a situation around me and put a hit on me and tried to take a women I care for very deeply away and put into satanic mind control and sex slavery for not being complicit to them and they way they want the world to run . They used a Bankster thug to manipulate the people and the situation and if it was not for my ability to see the truth she would not be as safe as she is now U.C.C. and Bankster lo life thugs .

They never thought they would get caught and if they did they would just funnel some money and make it go away . My question is how much money have you funneled and tried to make me go away and sever me from money , love and justice . I am still here and I just let you most coveted pass word out . A pass word that has everything to do with 911 and the theft of lives and money .

More to come asap . Thank you for your time and over standing and the Post I made to save my life and a great women is just after the videos proving who really run the NWO / U.C.C. and why they are loosing and life time battle to Good over evil .

 These are the evil men and cult who are trying to stop me at all cost and who have the world enslaved .

                   I Am A Targeted Individual Artist


           I do all of this for free and to help save good people while saving my own life .



This is the U.C.C. .  They did own every up until they recently tried to kill me again . I also made a bullet proof copyright that covers synthetic telepathy and mental copy rights . It was the first of its kind and Bankrupted the U.C.C. for the first time in history . They all know and now all they can do is lie and try to hang onto what is not by law threw property . The U.C.C. are the Knights Templar's who were given a rise to power by the Magi teachings and following there orders to gain world power and control with Banking and money control .

I have been fighting for truth all my life and shortly after 911 . I have been illegally jailed and beaten by American police more times than I can count and held with out charges . The last time I was beaten by police I was taken off the street in 2005 Mendocino California shortly after they ran my I.D. and found out who I was . I had been living on the streets for 9 months after I had been informed about my status in the Black Reparations Lay Suit by four lawyers Representing this law suit. I left the United states to Romania to seek Refugee status and help .Romania is to corrupt and deals with the U.S. very closely . I lived in Romania for over six years in poverty and on and off the streets trying to seek help from this country but I received nothing but even more trouble in my life . I lost the love of my life a nurse to the evil hands of this cartel and the U.S. would do nothing about her death . I started fighting the cartel syndicate with a video camera and have not stopped exposing this evil syndicate / cartel .

I am seeking asylum for the reason that I am of Olmec , Black foot ,  Sovereign blood and I have had nothing but attempts on my life and others around me for one reason . Love and the pursuit of truth love , justice and a loving family to call my own  .

On Sept.15 the Black Reparations Law Suit was suppose to be filled . It never was filled because of 911 and all the international problems that came with this attack on innocent Americans . I am the First person on the Black Reparations law suit list because of who I am and my bloodline . I stand to gain the most from this law suit that was technically on the U.C.C. via the Federal reserve . I have slave blood from the following European families that seek to silence me and keep me out of the main stream of the know and keep me broke at all cost .

This is what I did to save hers and my life . This is the post I made . 

Calling Beijing !!!! Up date on the 3 mill hit on me 12 /17/2015 !!!! Money Laundering and Embezzlement found on the bank who wants me dead  . So it looks like he needed to knock the lady up to get a kid because her company would have kept there money laundering company afloat during the crash there Rothschilds Boss / head Bankster  were to orchestrate . He needed both of us out the way ( I expose the truth and she might have put two and two together ) and if she found out about the scam before the wedding date . They would have went to jail and no likely hood of a kid to save his fathers foundation / Society because they have been functioning with out a legal charter since 2011 . So he purposed and probably bought the ring with funneled money from her company . . . Yeah I know Banksters !!!! . .

Laurel Aston Talks CIA nazi bloodlines about how they use women as sex slaves to get babies to gain money and the estate legally while soft killing you and making you look crazy .

Hmmm ???? So lets say some one has a Bankster Fiance From Spain ( Nicu Country and all Human Traffickers and money launders who all most destroyed Spain with the evil Rothschild Dynasty and the B.S. E.U. .Lets say Possibly  put a 3 million $ Hit out on me recently according to my hood sources and Mexican cant stop talking lady connections !!!!! ( LOL ) sources . I ran into a hit man from Ny on my ride on the Train . I took out the Mexican / possibly Spanish hit man from Ny on the Train and Metro has Footage and French Legion have a recording of him and the conversation with the Classified after the train exit . If Your  Owners Son ( Bank /Banksters ) wants me dead because he is a Bankster spoiled brat . Here are some Facts for the sloppy brat . Banks Ruin More lives than any one and steal from good hard working people and they do not think twice when they do it ( Evil ) .

They have a million dollar life style to support and cocaine drugged up sons with next to no sperm cont or none at all . Now giving this stupid scum a job  ( Stupid and Evil ) snip , snip  . That is really sad he thinks he is a gangster because his father washes blood money for the mob human traffickers while ruining good peoples lives while he lives the good life . And doing all this with a smile in a exclusive life style off the poor and misinformation of others . Fact is if you Muslim , Jew , Zinist Khazarian Filth , Nazi / Muslim Brotherhood , It does not matter . All Bankers are as guilty as the Filthy Rothschilds that put them into Power . If your not a new Bank you with them and any idiot knows that . You want me dead for posting it on your Fiance wall . It's the truth Rich Boy and "no" daddy can't fix it , he is broke and does not want to kill him self like all the other banker scum . Yeah he needed you to marry her to funnel dirty blood money for the Mob stupid .Your Father that owns this Society and Bak and egged to S.W. !!!!!!!! . They do this to hid blood money and all ways have since  you have been laundering it for them . Now that is not happening and all you bankers are being hunted down and dealt with . Run , Go To Jail For Life and admit to it all , or Die . 3 choices banksters but your not tacking innocent people with you scum bags ! Pick One but not any innocent blind women who clearly does not have a clue what you are in reality . Just in the name of one family you ruined or one women you turned your head to while she was raped at one of you vile petty cash parties . One kid you took money for that was murdered by these pedophiles and satanist who run the Bank world . Oh your Bose's , The Rothchilds  , Windsors ext who are being hunted down after arrest warrants by the French .  The French Have Interpol French legion !!!!. Just for one of the ones out of billions  you lowest scum of the Earth . This is what you are Bankester Kharzarain Nazi money changers Scum . That is coming from a true Blood Israelite . Your Broke and now she knows why you really need to marry her so hate me for the truth . I fallow finance and news better than the child trafficking Mafia you really work for money changers that make a living off blood money and Terrorist . So You Wanna make some Hits ? What would you call some one who put a hit on some one for posting the truth . Jealous terrorist  . Point Blank . Yeah I can prove that . I bet your bank will close soon Mr Petty Cash Vienna Guy ( Prostitution is legal there in Vienna but not in all countries you hold assets in and I just Broke the Story the fashion Tv Vienna is a Front for Prostitution and Fashion Tv is known for trafficking women and children  . You should really think hard about that some time  !!!

The T J Akcionarsko Society is a Bankster Society .

The owner of this Bank and societies son put a hit on me because of my relations with a dear and close women he was seeking to marry and intimately destroy her life and keep here away from me or ever helping me in any way .I will not make her name public but all the authorities know who she is and If it were not for me making this public who knows were that precious women would be .

This is his Bank and one the ones they own   .  Place Ĺ ABAC - Serbia

To The Owner Of T J Akcionarsko Banks and your evil son .

I am in insulted at the 3 Mill price tag you have put on for telling the truth . Do you know how much 3 mill could by a starving child ,or feed the homeless ,or promote a cure for some sickness ext . Do you know how much a homeless shelter is to by and what it feels like to be homeless or sleep on the streets with nothing and people with gifts and shopping pass you by like you not there . Do you know how many homeless people you can feed with 3 mill . This is truly why filth like you should not exist because you think money is a play thing to pay some one to try to kill some one Mr cooperate espionage experts ext when people are starving . Here are some more facts .

1 # . Moldova you can get really cheap mercenary hit men for about 15 - 20  grand ( I can get them at 10 because I know people ) A Good wet / wipe team will cost you around 5 - 10 mill easy . I took out countless amounts of ( Mi5 / classified ) those in Paris and gave the Legion a lot of free Spy Tech .Till this day there has never been a build up of spy tech from million dollar assets who thought they were a invisible Doll House army of one ( Clones / Drones / Morons ) .

2 # . You hit man from NY got out of a Truck a stop before mine and was dressed in all Black . Its Texas .No body wears Black and all black because its just  to hot . You hit man was easy to spot after he cased me .I cased him back .

3 # My Blog under this has been public on Military pages and "classified" pages since the blog was published . It points out CIA / Craft Black Water did the Paris Bombing and the Top Rothschild Bankers are on the Run . ( Fact ) A fact that bankers are killing themselves over because the head is cut off the beast and the little banksters can no longer feast off poor people and jacked over inflated Rothschild made inflation .

This is what happen les than a week later ..

80 Serbian officials & businessmen arrested on corruption charges

Gangstalking has roots in pseudo-satanic ritual abuse

             The Maji Controlled and Owned U.C.C.

King Melchior’s golden diadem and the Knights Templar- 3 Magi, the Hill of the Vaws/Faas/Gipsies

Jordan Maxwell On Paris Attacks, Friday 13th, The Knights Templar and More!

This is another reason to look at Turky and the recent staged Russian propaganda to promote war War  . Never forget what the Templars did to France .

Ancient Turkey and Knights Templar | MILITARY HISTORY Documentary

 This Is My Real History Of My People And The Attempted Severing Of The Truth

                                      Black Chinese

San Bernardino Shooting: Staged Distraction from Most Massive Geopolitcal Scandal of Our Time

This is the real History of the Fedaral Reserve and Chines Banking according to China . 

The Globalists Agenda - New World Order Quotes from Politicians (1950 - 2009) Part 1

                                 Black Magic In The Courts


The Money Masters Full Documentary- The rise of the bankers

                         Money Changers

International Monetary System - New Economic Slavery

Germany Files War Crimes Against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld And Other CIA Officials

Hillary & Bill Clinton Redux: Obama’s IRS Scandal from Clinton Playbook


Landmark Supreme Court Brief Destroys IRS Jurisdiction

Global Banking: What Does the Fed’s “Rate Hike” Mean?

RIP-OFF BY THE FEDERAL RESERVE: Charges of Multi-Trillion Fraud Filed vs. Bankers

            America : Freedom to Fascism

The First GAO Audit of the Federal Reserve Bank . How Many Will Be Indicted ?

Posted on Dec. 22 .2011 By Ernest Rauthschilds .
 These are my thoughts on this subject before you get to the law suit underneath it and who is involved in it and see what companies and families and what they are truly afraid of .. The simple truth that they can no longer hide .... 

This is the first ever law suit on the corrupt Federal bank and trust that is located in America and it prints the dollar and the Euro and it is owned bye the Nazi European Free  Mason Monarch / Rothchilds .  This Audit / indictment  should have been started on September 15 due to the class action law suit and the date being set bye the senate . The Black Reparation Law suit was given the the date in the same year and month as 911 but due to the Rothschilds and the European Monarch killing millions of innocent people to avoid this indictment bye blowing up building 7 and taking the world to a war that they think will never end .this is why they blew up the Federal trade commission building 7 the FCC ( The international trade police ) is were the receipts of bonds ( straw man Bonds ) slave certificates showing who was sold to who and who was related to who and why they were so called house negro because they were really related to the slave owners that were related to Royal English blood line sent to America under apprenticeships .  A apprenticeships is white slavery and these where mostly the original English blood lines that were not killed when the Nazi German British blood lines took over England and some were  killed, enslaved ,raped and or put into jail . They got out of jail under the agreement to be white slaves to build up the new world for the ruling German British .These were the first slaves in America and latter became the slave owners but them selves still being slaves under the European Monarch  .

These white and slaves  mixed with the afro and Indian bloodlines and intern the European Monarch slave masters came back and mixed in with them . Now you have me who is also Afro Olmec Indian English French Dutch decent who has people in his blood line that were here in the Americas long before Columbus discovered it  . The European Monarch all ways knew of this and me since the day I was born due to my Straw man Bond and this is particularly why they would not let slaves read or write for over a decade so we could loose our true history and not keep track of who we really are and what they really ow us after decades of free slave labor even if we are technically family . My Black Foot descendants never maid any treaties with any Europeans and I and my blood line are the rightful owners of America legally and they have known this for a very long time and gave Nazi the right to stalk us and ultimately try to kill us off silently and secretly .This is why the American Corporation sponsored operation paper clip that relocated thousands of Nazi to Tx were I live .They also sponsor many black project having to deal with silent deadly lethal weapons perfected bye Nazi's working in government basses here in Tx and Nasa under projects like project Phoenix and MK Ultra that use many Americans as Ginny pigs  . The MK standing for mind control in the German language  .

The treaties that the Europeans made with the tribes / Indians that were not legally bounding to the Afro Olmecs because the  Indians who migrated from India ( thus the name Indian ) and other places simply because the Olmecs were on this land first and had been waring with these tribes for a very long time over the land  .The statues on Easter Island prove we the Olmecs were the first world travelers but many Europeans lie in school and blatantly out rite lie about afro history even if it is written in stone and they still do not know how it was done or made and the age of the stones speak for it self .  I also have French Blood from my grand mother creole Haitian Jamaican side of the family and so this even makes me a sovereign French due to the Olmecs also having been in that land before it was called France and me having Black Foot Olmec Blood mixed with English Breedlove and Lovejoy blood mixed with Ewing blood that is Dutch and they were also slave traders and Royals  . Have you ever seen the show Dallas ? South Fork was a plantation before they so called got into the oil business . I wait for the truth to come out about me because when it does the Rothchilds and Nazi Free Mason Monarch will loose everything legally .I am there worst nightmare come true and do my best to simply educate and expose the truth .Thank you for your time be blessed

First GAO Audit of the Federal Reserve Bank ... How Many Will Be Indicted ???????

By Ernest Rauthschild .... on Wednesday, September 7, 2011 at 4:54pm ......

The first ever GAO audit of the Federal Reserve was carried out in the past few months due to the Ron Paul, Alan Grayson Amendment to the Dodd-Frank bill, which passed last year. Jim DeMint, a Republican Senator, and Bernie Sanders, an independent Senator, led the charge for a Federal Reserve audit in the Senate, but watered down the original language of the house bill (HR1207), so that a complete audit would not be carried out. Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan, and various other bankers vehemently opposed the audit and lied to Congress about the effects an audit would have on markets. Nevertheless, the results of the first audit in the Federal Reserve's nearly 100 year history were posted on Senator Sander's webpage earlier this morning, August 23, 2011.

What was revealed in the audit was startling:

$16,000,000,000,000.00 (TRILLION) had been secretly given out to US banks and corporations and foreign banks everywhere from France to Scotland. From the period between December 2007 and June 2010, the Federal Reserve had secretly bailed out many of the world's banks, corporations, and governments. The Federal Reserve likes to refer to these secret bailouts as an all-inclusive loan program, but virtually none of the money has been returned and it was loaned out at 0% interest. Why the Federal Reserve had never been public about this or even informed the United States Congress about the $16 trillion dollar bailout is obvious the American public would have been outraged to find out that the Federal Reserve bailed out foreign banks while Americans were struggling to find jobs. To place $16 trillion into perspective, remember that GDP of the United States is only $14.12 trillion. The entire national debt of the United States government spanning its 200+ year history is only $14.5 trillion.

The budget that is being debated so heavily in Congress and the Senate is only $3.5 trillion. Take all of the outrage and debate over the $1.5 trillion deficit into consideration, and swallow this Red pill: There was no debate about whether $16,000,000,000,000 would be given to failing banks and failing corporations around the world. In late 2008, the TARP Bailout bill was passed and loans of $800 billion were given to failing banks and companies. That was a blatant lie considering the fact that Goldman Sachs alone received 814 billion dollars. As is turns out, the Federal Reserve donated $2.5 trillion to Citigroup, while Morgan Stanley received $2.04 trillion. The Royal Bank of Scotland and Deutsche Bank, a German bank, split about a trillion and numerous other banks received hefty chunks of the $16 trillion. This is a clear case of socialism for the rich and rugged, you-are-on-your-own individualism for everyone else." – Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

When you have conservative Republican stalwarts like Jim DeMint(R-SC) and Ron Paul (R-TX) as well as self-identified Democratic socialists like Bernie Sanders all fighting against the Federal Reserve, you know that it is no longer an issue of Right versus Left. When you have every single member of the Republican Party in Congress and progressive Congressmen like Dennis Kucinich sponsoring a bill to audit the Federal Reserve, you realize that the Federal Reserve is an entity onto itself, which has no oversight and no accountability.

Americans should be swelled with anger and outrage at the abysmal state of affairs when an unelected group of bankers can create money out of thin air and give it out to megabanks and super corporations like Halloween candy. If the Federal Reserve and the bankers who control it believe that they can continue to devalue the savings of Americans and continue to destroy the US economy, they will have to face the realization that their trillion dollar printing presses can be stopped with five dollars' worth of bullets.

Regardless of whether this money is fiat money (money printed with nothing of value to back it), if it is a currency forced on society and the world, with enforcement by the Fed, IRS, the U.S. military, et al, – which it is– the acts of the Federal Reserve are, in essence, the transfer of greater wealth to the rich insider banks and corporations, while the rest of the world grows poorer, and as the value of this funny money grows less and less in purchasing power.

This insider banks, etc., then, exchanges this funny money for gold and silver, the real wealth of the world, which, then, reinflates the world with more and more devaluing Federal Reserve notes. This, then, creates hyper-inflation, increasing the cost of all resources and commodities, while gold and silver climb to never-seen-before levels of value. This is how the Federal Reserve insiders steal the wealth of the world and why the rich get richer while the poor get poorer. It's the world's largest Ponzi scheme! The Federal Reserve is nothing but a front for a small group of families who run a very large and successful white collar criminal Ponzi scheme. This criminal institution should be seized by the U.S. Treasury department and all assets frozen, and returned to the coffers of the U.S. Treasury in order to settle the U.S. debt and help begin to balance the U.S. deficit.

All banks (listed below) should be forced to return the money received by the Federal Reserve. All families in ownership of the Fed and their agents should be located, caught, tried and jailed for grand larceny and treason against the people of the U.S.A. All government agents who protect and help facilitate this criminal organization should be fired from the positions and similarly tried and jailed for grand larceny and treason. Meanwhile, Congress should return our country to its original monetary system and, again, do its duty to regulate the coining of the currency of America as per the U.S. Constitution.

The list of institutions that received the most money from the Federal Reserve can be found on page 131 of the GAO Audit and are as follows:

Citigroup: $2.5 trillion($2,500,000,000,000)

Morgan Stanley: $2.04 trillion ($2,040,000,000,000)

Merrill Lynch: $1.949 trillion ($1,949,000,000,000)

Bank of America: $1.344 trillion ( $1,344,000,000,000 )

Barclays PLC ( United Kingdom ): $868 billion ( $868,000,000,000 )

Bear Sterns: $853 billion ($853,000,000,000)

Goldman Sachs: $814 billion ( $814,000,000,000 )

Royal Bank of Scotland ( UK ): $541 billion ( $541,000,000,000 )

JP Morgan Chase: $391 billion ($391,000,000,000)

Deutsche Bank ( Germany ): $354 billion ( $354,000,000,000 )

UBS ( Switzerland): $287 billion ($287,000,000,000)

Credit Suisse ( Switzerland ): $262 billion ( $262,000,000,000 )

Lehman Brothers: $183 billion ( $183,000,000,000 )

Bank of Scotland (United Kingdom): $181 billion ( $181,000,000,000 )

BNP Paribas (France): $175 billion ( $175,000,000,000 )

The Federal Reserve owners ext ......

The EIGHT primary shareholders (all Jews) in the Federal Reserve banking system:

1) The Rothschild Family – London & Berlin

2) The Lazard Brothers - Paris

3) Israel Seiff - Italy

4) Kuhn-Loeb Company - Germany

5) The Warburgs – Amsterdam & Hamburg
<p>6)  Lehman Brothers - New York </p><p>7 ) Goldman & Sachs - New York </p><p>8 ) The 
Rockefeller Family - New York . </p><p>Through their banks, they control, and/or own outright, most of the Corporations of America, and in the entire world.</p><p>In fact two 
Khazarian families, control all the American food exports, to the Communist Nations . These Khazarian Banking family dynasties, own or control, through their hidden holding companies, the news media, the radio and television networks, the newspapers, and most of the publishing houses in the world. They control , and rule over all the Governments of the World both directly and indirectly.These Khazarian banking families have secret occult organizations that descend from the original "Illuminati," formed May 1, 1776. That the Maji helped create . Their descendant organizations are for example, The Council on Foreign Relations , The Trilateral Commission , which is headed by David Rockefeller. Our controlled media claims that communism is "destroyed", however, communism simply changed its name to democracy and liberalism

Pop culture, White privilege, IRS scandal, & Racist sports

Who Owns the Federal Reserve Bank—and Why is It Shrouded in Myths and Mysteries?

Federal Judge Orders Release of Information That Would Tie Obama to IRS Scandal


UNITED STATES is a Corporation - There are Two Constitutions - Sovereignty



                             IRS Official Admits Clinton

                                Enemies Were Audited


Hillary Clinton and George Soros Connected to Voter Fraud Scheme…Registering the Dead

Federal Tax Case Shows Evidence the U.S. Legal System is a Fraud

The Khazarian mob is on the run as US military takes over Federal Reserve Board.

Link to the Post and More :

Breaking News ! Isis Will Not Attack Mexico ! A Deep Look At Paris & Craft/Black Water! 

It is all about the real Cartel and the Banking Cabal

( Link to post )

This is why they fear the Truth of who is really the owner of the land and the funds by blood and will do anything to keep this and many other facts like what your reading from getting out .

Israeli archaeologists find Hebrew inscriptions on ancient slab of marble near Lake Kinneret

Native Americans Wrote in Ancient Hebrew

Below are some pictures and articles of the real history of the Federal Reserve and not the Rothschilds lies exposed and much more .

Breaking News ! Isis Will Not Attack Mexico ! A Deep Look At Paris & Craft/Black Water!

It is all about the real Cartel and the Banking Cabal

San Bernardino Shooting: Staged Distraction from Most Massive Geopolitcal Scandal of Our Time

Global Banking: What Does the Fed’s “Rate Hike” Mean?

RIP-OFF BY THE FEDERAL RESERVE: Charges of Multi-Trillion Fraud Filed vs. Bankers

1 comment:

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